The direct consequences

The invisible damage we do to ourselves is insane. Everyday.

Long hours at the desk are wreaking havoc on our bodies, leading to chronic health issues and even untimely death.

the presumed solution

Gymming and standing desks are great. But that's not really how it works.

Hitting the gym before or after work is fantastic, but it doesn't counteract the effects of prolonged sitting. Standing desks are a great option and we highly recommend them, but excessive standing can lead to other issues like varicose veins, lower back pain and deep vein thrombosis.

Balance is key!

Despite being hazardous alone, it's not just the sitting.

  • 3 out of 4 people are chronically dehydrated

    Being 3-4% dehydrated can itself lower your work performance by approximately 25-50%. Think of being chronically dehydrated!

  • 2 out of 3 people have Computer Vision Syndrome

    CVS is a major public health issue leading to occupational risks, compromised eye-sight, diminished productivity, and decreased levels of job satisfaction.

  • 1 out of 3 people has sleep disorder

    Data from six countries found that sedentary time was associated with higher odds of sleep disorders (e.g., poorer sleep quality, insomnia), regardless of physical activity.


the indirect consequences

Besides, more hours don't mean more output. Sitting for that long actually reduces productivity.

While it might seem counterintuitive, cramming hours doesn't guarantee results. In fact, research shows that extended sitting can actually zap your productivity. Enormous amount of studies recommend to take 5 min break every 30 mins.

Habits can make you, or break you.